Wednesday, July 26, 2006

360° Blog Topic of the Day

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Here's something from the 360 team:

Speaking of television, fellow engineer Yitz came up with a great blog topic of the day: “If you were sucked into the TV and forced to live on a television show for 24 hours, which show would you be on and why?” Have at it, folks, and in the "comments," let us know where the blog post is.

My choices would be either CSI or The Agency. First choice would be CSI, though, because I'm a big fan of 'forensic' shows. There's something about clues, investigations, and mysteries that always gets my attention -- I guess some part of me still remains with the childhood fantasies of being one of the Hardy Boys. The escapades of Frank and Joe Hardy were undeniably a big part of my childhood -- I used to buy up to twenty novels in the series all at the same time. The proof lies in the rows of shelves in my room overflowing with just about every adventure they had. Back then, me and my cousins even got to the point of acting out their adventures. Of course, it's probably why I also chose The Agency -- The Hardy Boys always got involved in espionage and international intrigue especially in their adventures with the 'Gray Man'. The Agency is a fast-paced show that doesn't just give you action, it's plot has enough twists to keep you riveted and it also delves into the minds of each character.

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